Friday, November 05, 2004

Letter from Symbolism

No, I don't think I'm being unreasonable. In fact, I think I've been a really good sport about this whole "creative expression of humanity" fad, and I would appreciate it if you took the time to see where I'm coming from here. You can't tell me that I should be glad to be working when so many other Abstracts are on tough times. I don't accept that. Working and doing something actually worthwhile are different things. It's fabulous when they are become one, but that's so not the case now. You cannot use that argument.

Have you seen what they're doing with me? I am being stretched farther than I can go. No, here, sit down, I'm going to show you. Just let me hook up the DVD player and...what's a coaxial cable? I guess the red goes with the red here and you just hook up the two others like...there we go, it's stopped the static at least, but where's the... oh, okay, it just needed time to boot up, I guess.

Do you see that? Do you see that? I want to throw up just looking at this. I don't even know who this person is, but she sure believes she knows who the hell I am. Oh, stark shadows...good one, like that isn't a hundred fucking million years old. She's sad now, get it? Where have all the cowboys gone...? Oh where? Mummy wherrrrrre?

Yeah, you can borrow it. I don't know why you'd want to, but I won't miss it. Do you think you will? I'm telling you, the hours are becoming fewer and far between where I can actually stand being a pillar of emotive communication. It's become so no one will believe what someone is feeling unless they use me, and that's like crying wolf. I have lost all substance and definition!

I just want to rest for a little while, is that so much to demand? Go down there and shake myself out of all those insipid teenagers, bloggers, pop artists, auteurs, painters, politicians, Conor Oberst, fiction writers and...the list is endless. Everyone! Let's see how they make out without getting to drape their sentiments in sentiment. There'll be a lot less whining, that's for damn sure.

Nononononono, I'm not going for that line, you've said that before. "Just wait a century, the human race will scrape itself from the planet and you'll have everything to yourself." You said that during the Dark Ages and I ended up working harder than ever! You almost had me convinced during the Industrial Revolution, I'll admit, but they're still swimming along like so much well-meaning sperm. I don't bet that this Information Age is doing to be any different.

I'm just tired, alright? A few millennia just really grinds you down. Do you wanna go get a beer or something? I have a couple of micro-seconds before I'm due to work on the script rewrite for X-Men 3, I've got time for a Newcastle.

Thanks for listening. Sometimes I just get dramatic and I'm sorry to make you sit through that again. You're a really good friend, you know? I don't think there's anyone else I would have wanted to suffer through conscious thought with. Hey, I think I left my wallet in my car, you wouldn't mind buying the beers, would you?